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Thursday 16 June 2011

How To Get Invisble On GTALK!!!

1) Download this software from here

(this is a direct download link just click and download)

2) Now install this software and open the psi.exe
   Which u get after installing on ur desktop by double clicking on it

3) In the psi: Add account window
    do this

in name write this

name:Google talk

and now click on add button

4. now in psi: account properties
do this----

Jabber id:coolguy34inheaven@gamil.com
(Write ur own gmail id here)

(ur gmail id password)

no seprate registration is required just ur gmail id
works as jabber id and password

select "automatically connect at startup"
if u want to get connected to gtalk through Jabber

select "Automatically reconnect if disconnected"
if u want to get reconnected automatically if got disconnected
coz of any reason like dc ....

"log message history" default:selected
keep it as like that if u wana log of chat history else uncheck it

5) Now click on connection tab in the same window i.e.
psi: account properties

now in advanced section
check mark all the boxes

6) now in


(as soon as u write talk.google.com port will become 5223 check it if it
does not become 5223 then write there manually)

now click on save button

7) now in
psi:useful tips
select close button and if u don't wana useful tips
then uncheck the box "show tips at start up"

now in psi main window at bottom u will see a star symbol and beside it written offline
click on the drop down arrow there and select ONLINe Option

it will show connecting and in arnd 3 sec u will get connected

now u will get to see complete frnd list at the main window

and above all the names u will see "google talk" (above general)
8. select it by left cleck and right click on it in appearing shortcut menu

XML Console

now a window named google talk:XML Console will appear with black screen

9) On the bottom left side of the window u will see enable option
check it by clicking on square beside it

and click on the xml input button

now in XML input window write the following code


{presence type="unavailable"}{priority}5{/priority}

{iq type='get'}{query xmlns='google:mail:notify'/}

replace all the { braces with <
there r some disadvantages of html enabled community too

now click on transmit button

now google talk xml console u will see a lot of things written in
yellow after 1sec u click on transmit don't worry just close that
window by clicking on close button.

10) now to get back to online mode so that ur frnd can see u select that drop down

DATS ALL U ARE INVISIBLE CHECK IT by asking ur fried frm the list shown
in frnd list
or log to gtalk frm some other account and see ur status
u will be shown as offline
(note ur status is showing online in ur psi window only but by that xml code which u transmitted
ur actually offline in ur frnds window)
arrow in staus and select online again
now u will become visible to others11. to get in invisible mode again u have to tranmit the xml code again

to do this again right click on GOOGLE TALK and select XML CONSOLE in
menu and click on clear button now click XML INPUT and paste the code
agian there and click on transmit again u will see that yellow things
click on close and dats all again u r in invisible mode

just be in wat ever mode u want

theres a pain in putting code so i will advice u too
just keep a copy of the code in notepad and copy paste

This pain is far better when u r doing work and every1
just keep disturbing u now don't get disturb by others
but disturb others when u want

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